What you Need to Know About Modafinil

imagesFor those of you in countries that are English-speaking, it comes in the brand name Provigil, Modavigil and Alertec. Modafinil is an oral prescription drug that may treat fatigue, obstructive sleep apnea, too much uncontrollable daytime sleepiness or hyperactivity disorder. It can generally be described as creating a wakeful state in patients who are sleepy. It works by this stimulating the brain’s function. It is not yet detenined hoe modafinil stimulates wakefulness.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Being the most common form of apnea, it is characterized by one having very short breaths while they are asleep. At rimes, one may even stop breathing altogether. It happens because the upper airway blocks partially or completely creating difficulty in breathing. These kind of occurrences are what interferes with a state of normalcy in sleep. Sufficient oxygen flow to the body’s vital organs can be greatly hindered. It is due to the irregular heart rhythms that tend to accompany Obstructive Sleep Apnea.

Buy-Modafinil1Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

It is characterized by a very low attention span. Though it can happen to people with different mental capabilities, those with learning disorders are more affected. There is also an impulsive tendency. Patients tend to be very forgetful and cannot cope with tasks that demand consistent mental input. They have a hard time concentrating.

Shift Work Sleep Disorder(SWSD)

It is all about having shifts that go against the body’s circadian rhythm and one has difficulty adjusting to the inconsistent sleep pattern. This kind of sleeping interference triggers the Shift Work Sleep Disorder. One can experience fatigue and a general lack of concentration. To overcome this, you have to create a sleeping schedule that you can stick to in a peaceful and quiet environment.

Before administering modafinil, correct diagnosis must be made on the actual underlying sleep disorder. Modafinil does not eliminate the sleeping disorder but gives you an improved condition. This drug has to be taken for a lengthy time sometimes over 9 or 12 weeks depending on the disorder. 200 mg of modafinil is the ideal recommended dosage. For patients with extreme hepatic impairment, no correct dosage strategy has been determined hitherto. Do not consume modafinil if you are allergic to magmesium stearate, pregelatinized starch, lactose monohydrate or armodafinil (Nuvigil).

220px-Modafinil3dIntentionally and carefully analyzing your sleep pattern can help you identify when you are straining your body or expecting too much for too little rest. The support of family members and those around you will make this process easier to cope with. There will be people to lean on whenever you start feeling overwhelmed.You must sustain a peaceful and relaxed mind at all cost to keep your health in the correct lane. Modafinil can cause an alteration in moods and general perception. As people grow older, a lower dosage of modafinil and its metabolites should be administered .

Modafinil should not be viewed as a replacement for getting a normal sleeping routine. Some side effects that might tag along the usage of this drug include:

  • blisters
  • peeling
  • allergic reactions
  • rashes
  • hives
  • sores in your mouth
  • yellowing of either your eyes or skin

It is always recommended that you see your doctor before popping any pills or tablets.

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